About Us

The Seaside Camp For Children Inc was formed in 1937 as the Crippled Children’s Seaside Home Society with Alfred Hines the main instigator. He worked tirelessly to help improve the life of children who had crippling diseases. For much of twentieth century there was no direct or sustained contribution of state or federal governments in the care of young people with disabilities. Rather the care of crippled children fell very firmly on the shoulders of their families and the few volunteer societies which existed to help them. It as this void in social services which prompted Alfred Hines, a Fremantle businessman and councillor, to first offer a seaside camp for rural children with disabilities in the difficult years of World war Two. The Society was formally Incorporated in 1945 and the committee was well supported by the likes of people such as Alfred Hines, Sir Frank Gibson, G Fraser, John Tonkin – who later became Premier, J.B. Sleeman and T Fox who were also serving members of state parliament. Frank Wise was the state’s premier when he was elected as one of society’s vice-presidents. Read more…Alfred Hines History Book 2006

The Camp would like to thank and acknowledge the support from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for grant funding to facilitate watercraft activities and training.